Countryside Alliance News

$100,000 raised across the globe for hunts thanks to International Virtual Hound Show

Written by Polly Portwin | 15 September 2020

An online auction organised as an integral part of the recent International Virtual Hound Show (IVHS) has raised over $100,000 for hunts across the globe.

With the cancellation of hound shows and puppy shows throughout the summer due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the IVHS Show Director Richard Walton's alternative concept of a virtual hound show created a worldwide event and fundraiser. The successful show featured over 250 packs of hounds from seven countries and showcased a wide variety of hounds that competed in 30 different "virtual" rings, with judges conferring via Zoom.

As part of the show, any pack that showed hounds was able to enter an auction lot for the online auction, with funds raised for that individual lot being donated to the hunt that provided it.

"Participating hunts supplied a mouth-watering selection of lots with true 'bucket list' opportunities up for grabs from around the world," explained Show Director Richard Walton. "It has been wonderful to work with people from around the world to provide a distraction and focus for so many, whilst raising much needed funds for the hunting community."

Polly Portwin, Head of Hunting at the Countryside Alliance said: "Getting any new concept off the ground, particularly during a global crisis is an incredible feat, let alone one of this magnitude that has raised huge sums for hunting across seven different countries, so our congratulations goes to all those involved in the International Virtual Hound Show."

"These continue to be uncertain times so those who donated the lots - and the successful bidders - must all be recognised for the enormity of their generosity, the proceeds of which will be very gratefully received by individual hunts."

The Supreme Championship winners of the International Virtual Hound Show were:

  • International Supreme Foxhound Champion - Duke of Beaufort's Matchless
  • International Supreme Harrier Champion - North Norfolk Blizzard
  • International Supreme Beagle Champion - Chilmark & Clifton Foot Truthful (pictured above)
  • International Supreme Basset Champion - Ripshin Bassets (USA) Nemo