Countryside Alliance News

Charles Jardine's Marathon blog: Week 5 - Your generosity inspires me!

Written by Countryside Alliance | 20 March 2017

Fishing 4 Schools founder and director Charles Jardine will run the Virgin Money London Marathon on 23 April for Fishing 4 Schools. You can sponsor him through JustGiving.

Well it's been a really exciting week. A very big cheque from a friend – more than £3k!!! – has pushed my fundraising total to more than £4,000! It is an incredible figure and it's thanks to all of you. Whether you donated £1 or £3,000 your support is amazing and I am so very grateful.

But this means the pressure is on to give a really good showing on 23 April! Actually, I think you've given me a rejuvenating boost and I've been training really hard.

On Monday I did two hours of circuits, then six miles of hill running and an hour in the gym on Wednesday. Thursday night was spin class and as I write this on Friday I am preparing for a really tough session in Bournemouth with a running group – I'm told there will be a lot of hills!

And on Sunday I'll be back out running round the New Forest.

It's a pretty full-on week so I do have to be careful not to over train – my knees and hips are a bit sore now, but I have to say that I feel fitter than I ever have in my life.

I'm not saying you should run a marathon – I accept it's a bit of a mad thing to do – but I would urge any one of a certain vintage to have a look at their health and lifestyle. I've calibrated my life for the first time in many years and I really like the results! I'm just waiting for my call up for a spread in GQ or Men's Health!

Yours aye, Charles