Countryside Alliance News

Countryside Alliance defend Smithfield meat traders and livestock farmers

Written by Countryside Alliance | 7 October 2019

The Countryside Alliance has been a vocal critic of the recent protests at the Smithfield Meat Market in the City of London.

The planned demonstrations took place throughout the night on 7th October 2019 and were organised by hard-line animal rights extremist group, Animal Rebellion.

The Countryside Alliance's own Media Manager, Mo Metcalf-Fisher, visited the meat market to report on the events. He said "We were told 10,000 anti-meat activists were expected at the historic Smithfield site.

However only around 300 people turned up with numbers dropping throughout the evening."

The CA has expressed its support for the British farmers and called on the organisers of Animal Rebellion to encourage the purchase of local beef, lamb as well as pork.

We argue that this will limit the carbon footprint and support our hard work farming community that work round the clock to comply with the most ethical and environmental standards in the world.

Tim Bonner, Chief Executive, added "Animal Rebellion fail to tell us what would happen to the countryside we know and love, if they were to get their way and ban meat. It is extremely concerning."

He went on to say "Shutting down Smithfield Meat Market is divisive and totally wrong. Animal Rebellion should be encouraging the purchase of high welfare, grass-fed British beef and lamb which would cut down our carbon footprint whilst supporting British farmers.

"Activists are alienating people rather than actually providing answers to the challenges facing the environment and the countryside. "

Andrew Rosindell, a London MP, added "This is completely the wrong way to go about addressing important issues facing the environment. Smithfield Market is an institution and the meat industry is vitally important to the capital and country. I sincerely hope the workers and the many thousands of visitors are kept safe"