Countryside Alliance News

Countryside Alliance responds to consultation on the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill

Written by Countryside Alliance | 13 April 2022

The Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill has now entered the Committee Stage. The Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment (RAINE) Committee, which is now responsible for reviewing the Bill, is currently seeking views in order to clarify certain points within the proposed legislation. As part of this process, they have published two surveys for the general public and stakeholder organisations to consider and respond to.

This consultation document, which asks for considerably more detail than the short survey, requires full responses for each question. The questionnaire is aimed at those who wish to convey a much more detailed submission and will be completed by most stakeholder organisations in Scotland.

Once completed and submitted, the RAINE Committee will carefully consider and discuss the points raised in the submissions. This is a vital method of ensuring specific information is deliberated by the Committee from those whom the legislation affects directly. We have completed our response to the consultation which can be seen here should you wish to read through and utilise any of the information for your own response.

If you would prefer to complete the short survey, which consists of little more than a simple yes or no format, then you can access all of the information for that here, along with our response for reference. We are encouraging as many individuals as possible to complete this survey to ensure that we have fair representation throughout this process.