Countryside Alliance News

The Countryside Alliance release a statement on the recent General Licences update

Written by Countryside Alliance | 13 February 2020

DEFRA has ended the current speculation around the future of General Licences by extending them until August 2020. The Countryside Alliance welcomes this extension. The General Licences are critical to the work of wildlife manager and farmers, and such an extension demonstrates that DEFRA understands this importance.

While the extension will satisfy users of the Licences during Spring, the most critical time of the year for avian predator and pest control, we are still working with the Government to ensure a long-term solution that is both usable and legally robust. As DEFRA continues to evaluate the large number of responses received from the 'call for evidence', the Countryside Alliance will continue to work closely with them and emphasise the need for fit for purpose General Licences.

We advise all users to familiarise themselves with the specific conditions of the General Licences to ensure that they act lawfully at all times.

You can see the full text of the General Licences here.