Countryside Alliance News

Countryside Alliance to raise issues with MEPs in Strasbourg

Written by Countryside Alliance | 24 May 2018

The Countryside Alliance together with other shooting organisations will be in Strasbourg next week on behalf of FACE UK. Together with Ludwig Willnegger, Secretary General of FACE, a series of meetings with MEPs and officials will be held to highlight issues of concern to those who hunt, shoot and fish in the light of Brexit.

It is vital that arrangements for our future relationship with the European Union recognise the enormous contribution those who hunt, shoot and fish make to the UK and European economies as well as conservation of habitats and wildlife. Failure to do so would harm rural communities both here and across Europe. From game exports and seasonal workers to the movement of people, animals and firearms there is everything to play for. This message needs to be heard in the European Parliament and beyond, not least as MEPs have an important role in the final approval of any agreement.

The FACE Brexit leaflet is available for download here.

To view the Countryside Alliance Brexit Policy Document please click here.

Note: FACE is the European Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (Fédération des Associations de Chasse et Conservation de la Faune Sauvage de l'UE ) representing 7 million hunters across Europe. FACE UK is the umbrella organisation which is a member of FACE, consisting of the UK's leading sporting organisations: Association of Master Harriers & Beagles, British Association of Shooting and Conservation, British Falconers' Club, British Shooting Sports Council, Countryside Alliance, Game Farmers Association, Master of Fox Hounds Association, Moorland Association, National Gamekeepers' Organisation and the St Hubert Club of Great Britain.