Countryside Alliance News

Defra's consultation on General Licences - Have your say!

Written by Countryside Alliance | 24 October 2019

Defra's 12-week consultation on General Licences in England was launched on 12th September. It is essential that the new general licences are fit for purpose, simple and easy to understand, and that the necessary evidence on the control that stakeholders require under the GL is provided. The GWCT have therefore produced a straightforward survey that all those who need to control birds to protect wildlife, crops and livestock can complete online.

The survey only takes 10 minutes, and over 1,300 people have already completed it. You can complete it here (all information will be anonymised before submission to Defra, and all responses are confidential, and therefore not FOI-able).

The GWCT need as many responses as possible in order to make a powerful submission to Defra on behalf of all those who use General Licenses. The survey has the full support of the Countryside Alliance, and along with the National Gamekeepers Organisation, the CLA and the Moorland Association, we are encouraging all members that rely on the GL to complete it. To date, the GWCT has not recieved much feedback on jays, and there has been a shortage of returns regarding designated land, so all those in a position to provide evidence regarding these are asked to do so.

Please complete the survey here, and encourage others to do likewise. The closing date for replies is Tuesday 5th November.

All those that complete the survey will recieve a 10% discount voucher for use in the GWCT Shop.