Countryside Alliance News

George Adams of the Fitzwilliam Hunt's Testimonial Fund

Written by Countryside Alliance | 26 February 2016

After 35 seasons of service to the Fitzwilliam (Milton) Hunt, 32 of them as Huntsman, George Adams is retiring at the end of the season. A feature about George's contribution to hunting, written by former Master George Bowyer, will appear in our Spring magazine (sent to members in early March) but meantime the hunt hopes many of George's friends and colleagues will be able to join them at his testimonial meet on 2nd March, 11am, in the splendid surroundings of Milton Park, Peterborough. Further details of the meet from hunt secretary Penny Fortesque on 07710 241888 or email [email protected]. Donations to George's fund can be made via bank transfer - sort code: 20 67 40 account no: 53280861. Thank you.