Countryside Alliance News

Hursley Hambledon Hunt deliver packages to frontline hospitals during lockdown

Written by Polly Portwin | 9 February 2021

Members and supporters of the Hursley Hambledon Hunt have been collecting items and delivering substantial "We Care" packages to frontline hospitals during lockdown.

Organised by hunt supporter Harriet Parker, who wanted to assist keyworkers in some way after seeing first-hand through her own work for a nurse the emotional and physical strain that the nursing staff at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth are under.

"With lockdown curtailing everyone's activities, attention has focused on the things - and in particular the people - that really matter to us all, so I called on the Hursley Hambledon Hunt supporters to bake cakes or biscuits, donate fruit, snack bars, pamper packs and other products," explained Harriet. "We had an amazing response, with many giving cash that was converted to produce to add to the packages."

In response to receiving some of the "We Care" packages, ICU Nurse, Bethan said: "Thank you isn't enough. It's completely overwhelming. Staff are speechless! We sent some to Respiratory High Care and all critical areas too. You're completely wonderful. Please thank everyone involved in this wonderful gesture."

Polly Portwin, Head of Hunting at the Countryside Alliance praised the efforts of those involved in supporting those on the frontline during the pandemic: "This act of kindness by those associated with the Hursley Hambledon Hunt just highlights the endless amount of selfless work that hunt supporters all across the country have been doing within their own communities and beyond during these incredibly difficult times."

Additional collections were made by Wendy Graham and Sue McLachlan on the Hursley side of the hunt country, with donations taken to Winchester and Southampton Hospitals.