Countryside Alliance News

Hunt raises vital funds for the North West Air Ambulance

Written by Countryside Alliance | 14 April 2019

At the Cheshire Forest Hunt Point to Point Race held at Tabley House, Cheshire on 7th April 2019 a cheque of £1450 was presented to the North West Air Ambulance (NWAA) by members of the Cheshire Forest Hunt. The cheque was presented by the three members of this year's Tumbler's Club (one of whom, Chance Wilson, owes a debt of gratitude to the NWAA this season) and the Cheshire Forest's Huntsman.

Funds for the NWAA were raised by the Cheshire Forest's Tumbler's Club - every faller makes a contribution of £5, each fall diligently recorded throughout the season. At the end of the season, awards are presented at the annual Tumbler's Club Dinner.

The North West Air Ambulance (NWAA) is the helicopter emergency medical service that covers North West England spanning Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside. The NWAA's three helicopters provide a vital service 365 days a year when speed and accessibility is critical. The NWAA flew 214 missions in March 2019 and has flown 2546 missions in the last 12 months. Established as a charity in 1999 the fleet relies wholly on donations and funding from individuals and organisations.

The Countryside Alliance's Head of Hunting Polly Portwin said: "It is great to see the Cheshire Forest Hunt raising such a generous amount of money for what is a vital service available to all members of the public, not just those who follow hounds, in North West England. A large number of hunts organise a variety of events throughout the year to raise funds for both local and national charities and the hunting community is very proud of the part it takes in assisting these important charities with their fundraising."