Countryside Alliance News

Lee Maycock's grouse shooting film

Written by Countryside Alliance | 17 March 2015

Filmed in 2012, this grouse shooting (and eating) film presented by Lee Maycock, the chef who works closely with our Game-to-Eat campaign, is worth a view. Lee went shooting with the Hancock family in Yorkshire at the start of the 2012 season and made this short film for us. It was his first time grouse shooting and he enjoyed it enormously. Lee spoke to moor owner Mark Hancock and Amanda Anderson from the Moorland Association about moorland management, the longevity of it, the next generation and the bigger picture, from the local economy to heather burning and biodiversity. Lee then went to the Queen's Arms at Litton to chat to gamekeeper Chris Harsley about identifying young grouse before preparing a pan fried grouse dish on pea and mint risotto with black pudding. Read on to enjoy the film.
