Countryside Alliance News

National Rural Crime Network (NRCN)

Written by Countryside Alliance | 18 March 2015

The National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) has now been formally set up and has the support of 28 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). It is being chaired by the PCC from North Yorkshire, Julie Mulligan, and the Vice-Chair is Tim Passmore, PCC for Suffolk. The constitution allows six PCCs on the executive committee and four non PCC representatives. The Countryside Alliance is sitting on the Executive Committee as one of the four non PCC representatives. Over the summer we will be compiling a list of rural crime priorities which will shape the work programme of the Network. Fly-grazing, heritage crime and general anti-social behaviour are on that list and we would welcome your suggestions too. Please email[email protected] raising any issues you feel the National Rural Crime Network should be prioritising.