Countryside Alliance News

Police and Crime Commissioner Elections: It's time to have your say

Written by Countryside Alliance | 15 April 2021

The countryside is an undoubtedly beautiful place in which to live and work, offering a lifestyle that many aspire to have but sadly, despite this, crime is still an increasingly prominent issue for rural communities. Rural crime is a complex issue, as not only does the experience of crime itself need to be recognised and dealt with, but the rising fear of crime needs to be acknowledged as well. Rural crime deserves to be recognised for the severity that it holds, the financial and emotional distress that it causes, and given the resources it requires.

Our 2020 Rural Crime Survey revealed some shocking statistics that have helped us to prioritise our asks to all Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). You can read our manifesto here, which details these asks. The list below highlights just some of those asks which we believe are most pressing.

  • Support dedicated rural crime teams
  • Secure fair funding for rural policing
  • Encourage people to report rural crime
  • Better allocation of police resources

The keys facts surrounding rural crime speak for themselves with one in four people not reporting the last crime which they were a victim of, most likely due to the fact that 47% of people think that the police do not take rural crime seriously enough. The implication of these statistics is that we have a rural population who are simply putting up with the crime they experience and making do as best they can with what resources they have access to.

Good rural policing is about far more than numbers of police officers on the ground. If we truly want to tackle rural crime then we must form effective partnerships between the police, rural communities, and other authorities to ensure that the needs of our rural communities are understood and the availability of services, matches those needs.

Our manifesto covers the key areas which we believe should be prioritised. Make sure your candidate will take rural crime seriously.

Our e-lobby is now closed.