Countryside Alliance News

Rural challenges: mental health help during lockdown

Written by Countryside Alliance | 2 November 2020

With the recent news that the country is to be placed under a new national lockdown, it is vital not to forget about the importance of looking after ourselves and those loved ones and friends who may be finding things tough right now. Rural people, often living in isolation, know all too well the importance of social interaction.

The important thing to remember is that you are not alone.

There are some truly incredible volunteers and organisations out there who can help you, provide guidance or simply listen.

The Farm Safety Foundation, an award-winning charity dedicated to supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of the UK's farmers, has provided an incredibly helpful directory and information booklet in conjunction with The Prince's Countryside Fund.

Some of the most important contacts who can provide help, including the Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust, Tir Dewi and the National Rural Mental Health Forum, can be located here in this detailed directory.

Please feel free to share this important link to any friends, family members, colleagues or anyone you feel could benefit.

Always remember that Samaritans offer a 24/7 free help line. They can be contacted on: 116 123