Countryside Alliance News

Rural mental health survey closing soon – submit your response now

Written by David Bean | 21 December 2021

The Countryside Alliance will be closing our survey into rural mental health early in the new year.

We created the survey against the backdrop of a parliamentary inquiry by the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee into the challenges to mental health faced in rural communities and the adequacy of mental healthcare provision. The Committee's call for evidence closes on 7 January and by completing the survey now you can share your experiences in complete anonymity, helping shape our response.

While we wish all our members and supporters all the very best for a happy and healthy Christmas, we know that these holidays can be difficult for people who are struggling with their mental health. We were contacted recently by rehab4addiction which has produced an infographic focusing on mental health at Christmas that sets out possible challenges to mental health at Christmas, some national statistics and contact details for organisations that can offer support.

Further support in rural communities

The Farm Safety Foundation, an award-winning charity dedicated to supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of the UK's farmers, has provided an incredibly helpful directory and information booklet in conjunction with The Prince's Countryside Fund.

Some of the most important contacts who can provide help, including the Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust, Tir Dewi and the National Rural Mental Health Forum, can be located here in this detailed directory.