Countryside Alliance News

Septic Tank Consultation

Written by Countryside Alliance | 18 March 2015

This consultation is now closed!!!! The original article reads: Defra have launched a consultation on proposals to simplify the control of small domestic sewage discharges from septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants and to enable a more risk-based approach to permitting such discharges in England. The proposals would remove administrative burdens on over 400,000 people with rural properties not connected to the main sewerage network, whilst keeping the necessary controls to prevent pollution, protect public health, improve drinking water supplies and protect sensitive habitats.

The consultation seeks views on the Government's proposals to:

1. Simplify the existing regulations (for example by removing the need for households and businesses to register their septic tank) while maintaining and focussing effort on preventing pollution.

2. Rationalise the number of sensitive areas where households and businesses will be required to have a permit for their small sewage discharge so that permits are only required in the most sensitive areas where a higher level of protection is needed.

The consultation closes on 10 June and your views and comments on the proposals could help shape the proposals.

You can read the consultation here