Countryside Alliance News

Sign a petition to save rural education

Written by Countryside Alliance | 24 March 2015

From field to fork…Securing the future of food and farming. Are you aware that, as of 2015, Land Based BTECs will no longer count in school league tables? The knock on effect of this will be that schools like Brymore School in Somerset, which currently offers Land Based BTECs such as Agriculture and Horticulture, will be forced to drop them from the curriculum, as it will jeopardise their results. Brymore School has got in touch to tell us that they have created an online petition - the staff and pupils would appreciate your support. Sign the online petition which asks David Cameron to "Keep Land Based subjects, such as Agriculture and Horticulture, in the 2015 school performance tables. It is vital that we continue to create a skilled workforce in the land based sector."