Countryside Alliance News

The Spectator: State schools are discovering huntin', shootin' and fishin'

Written by Countryside Alliance | 7 September 2016

The Spectator's Camilla Swift has written about outdoor education, observing "Traditionally, private schools have led the way in teaching youngsters about the ways of the countryside. Many state schools, however, are now following their example." Camilla goes on to write about our own Fishing 4 Schools project, quoting its Director, Charles Jardine. Also mentioned is the Elms School in Worcestershire where youngsters are taken hunting. Mrs Austen, the teacher who co ordinates the pupils' involvement in hunting, explains its benefits to education: "The responsibility of looking after yourself and your pony, of putting other considerations before your own (a vital lesson to learn when you're cold to the bone during a wet January afternoon), respect for a farmer's crops and property (that is, avoiding crops, closing gates and the importance of not galloping through a farmyard), as well as respect for one's elders, and an understanding of the countryside and how it all works."

Read the article in full here.