Countryside Alliance News

VAWM AGM held in Berkshire

Written by Countryside Alliance | 29 October 2015

The Veterinary Association for Wildlife Management (VAWM) held its Annual General Meeting this week. The event is always more than just a meeting, usually beginning with a trail hunt earlier in the day. This year was no exception and VAWM members were pleased to accept an invitation from the Masters of the Vine and Craven Hunt in Berkshire.

At the AGM, VAWM Secretary Dr Lewis Thomas and Chairman Chris House gave a report on the recent activities, the most notable being the publication of a new book commissioned by the association. The Facts of Rural Life by environmental author Charlie Pye-Smith sets out the need for wildlife management and has been widely praised. Thanks was expressed to Brian Fanshawe who had done a magnificent job in raising the funds to produce the book, sales of which have given VAWM a comfortable profit. Copies are available at £10 each from Brian (Old School House, Ashley, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8XS).

Numerous talks have been given to veterinary students and the positive response was good news; it was agreed to concentrate on further such events at other vet schools. Badgers and bovine TB continues to be a serious situation and VAWM has produced a detailed document addressing the problem. Concern was expressed about the British Veterinary Association and a possible change in its view on hunting, which up to the present has been neutral. VAWM officers are addressing the situation. A determination to increase membership was very much welcomed and new committee members were elected.

The day concluded with an excellent dinner at the kind invitation of Colin and Feen Tett, owners of Wormstall House in Berkshire. Guest speaker was Jim Barrington, animal welfare consultant to the Countryside Alliance who works closely with VAWM. Jim gave an update of the current political situation and spoke of his talks and presentations to schools, clubs and universities, which are all helped immensely by the information VAWM produces.

VAWM provides a crucial scientific pillar in the campaign for a proper understanding of wildlife management, including hunting, and deserves strong support. (