Countryside Alliance News

Welsh Labour to continue in minority government, one seat short of a majority

Written by Countryside Alliance | 9 May 2021
Seats Constituency seats Regional seats Totals seats
Welsh Labour 27 3 30
Welsh Conservative 8 8 16
Plaid Cymru 5 8 13
Welsh Liberal Democrat 0 1 1

The pattern in Wales was much the same across the nations, the incumbent government being awarded for a strong vaccine roll-out and its very cautious approach to easing Wales out of lockdowns. Before the election there was one poll that indicated that Welsh Labour might not be able to form a government and taking just 22 seats but like most polls it did not resemble the end result.

There were gains for the Welsh Conservatives, their best ever result, and a loss for Plaid Cymru to include the Rhondda which saw the loss of their former party leader Leanne Wood. There were no changes for the Welsh Liberal Democrats but they took a bitter blow losing the long held Brecon and Radnor seat to James Evans of the Welsh Conservatives. Jane Dodds, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats took a regional seat for Mid and West Wales. It was former MS Kirsty Williams who had contributed to Labours hold in the last Senedd term and this result could well mean that Welsh Liberal Democrat Jane Dodds could cast the deciding vote on much of the legislation to pass through the Senedd in the next five years.

Welsh Labour have pledged to introduce registration for commercial shooting, ban snares and restrict the use of cages for rearing game birds. All of these will impact shooting in Wales, but may not receive support from the Welsh Conservatives, Plaid Cymru or the Welsh Liberal Democrats. The future of shooting in Wales may well be in the hands of the Welsh Lib Dems but they have a strong history of supporting shooting at the Senedd so we shall see what comes our way. This will certainly make votes interesting. It may be a relatively small parliament, but it certainly has the ability to pack a punch.

Read Party manifestos here.

Read Countryside Alliance Wales manifesto here.