Countryside Alliance News

World Falconry Day comes to Bude primary school

Written by Countryside Alliance | 17 November 2015

Pupils from Jacobstow Community Primary School near Bude celebrated World Falconry Day with a visit from Sharon Bindon of Ancient Art Falconry and six of her birds.

Twenty-four youngsters from years 5 and 6 got to meet Henry the little owl, Jester the kestrel, Rocky the barn owl, Gem the peregrine falcon, Spike the goshawk and Spirit the Harris hawk during the event, run by the Falconry for Schools project on 17 November.

Sharon said: "This was my first of two visits to Jacobstow and the children really enjoyed themselves. They learnt all about the British birds, their habitats and what they eat, did a little project about their favourite bird and had a look at the equipment we use for flying the birds. They loved stroking the owls."

Headteacher Sue Russell added: "They were completely engrossed and engaged and it's certainly expanded their knowledge of the birds and why it is important to conserve their habitat. It fits in well with our Forest Schools programme, which encourages our pupils to engage with and respond to the natural environment."

Falconry for Schools is a project run by The Countryside Alliance Foundation that takes birds of prey into primary and senior schools as part of lessons that encompass history, science and technology, English and mathematics, whilst encouraging knowledge and understanding of the natural world.