Hunting Newcomers' Week introduces several...
The Countryside Alliance's annual Hunting Newcomers' Week (21-28 October) saw hundreds of new faces...
about this blogRead moreThe Countryside Alliance's Hunting Newcomers' Week has set the scene for the start of the season, with many hunts reporting higher attendance and bigger fields than ever before. The aim of Newcomers' Week is to introduce as many new faces to the hunting field as possible and, due to the co-operation of hunts again this year, we have successfully managed to do just that.
An excellent geographical spread of events and meets took place during the week (17 – 24 October) with hunts reporting great turnouts, lots of happy newcomers and even a few new subscribers.
Karen Silcock, secretary of the Fitzwilliam (Milton) hunt in Peterborough reported: "We had a great newcomers' meet on 17 October. We met at 7.30am, and after a briefing from the field master, 27 mounted newcomers set off and were guided by our experienced followers through a great morning of autumn hunting, followed by bacon baps back at the boxes. We are delighted to have had such great support and look forward to seeing our new friends again."
Catherine Heilbron, secretary of the Surrey Union said: "More than 70 hunt virgins met at Stockbridge Farm in Tilford, hosted by hunt chairman, and field master, Nigel Morland. The field enjoyed a glorious sunny afternoon and this year was a record as, despite some 30 jumping efforts over both cross country and hunt jumps, the Tumblers' Club failed to gain even one new member! The broad smiles as they enjoyed tea and cake afterwards were proof that everyone had a wonderful time."
Charlotte Breese, secretary of the Curre and Llangibby in Monmouthshire, told us: "Our newcomers' day was fantastic with 50 riders - double last year's total which we thought was good! They all enjoyed themselves in spite of the rain. All thought we were a friendly, welcoming bunch and several are coming out with us again."
And newcomer Chris Moore wrote to the Oakley to thank them for their meet on 24 October, saying: "I'd like to thank everyone for such a warm welcome on my first outing on Saturday with the Oakley. I will be taking out a three-day newcomers' subscription to start with so hope to see you all again at the Opening Meet."
For more information, contact the Countryside Alliance press office on 0207 840 9220 or email [email protected]
Articles and news
The Countryside Alliance's annual Hunting Newcomers' Week (21-28 October) saw hundreds of new faces...
about this blogRead moreThe Countryside Alliance's annual Hunting Newcomers' Week, which runs from 18-25 October, has great...
about this blogRead moreCountryside Alliance Chief Executive Tim Bonner writes:
about this blogRead moreWe are the most effective campaigning organisation in the countryside.