Countryside Clean-up 2024

Each year, our Countryside Clean-up initiative sees thousands of people fighting back against the rubbish blighting our countryside. This year, events have been taking place between Saturday 16 March and Monday 1 April.
Registration for this year's Clean-up initiative is now closed, but we always encourage anyone who can to devote a couple of hours helping to make a difference in a rural area, by organising or joining a local clean-up operation, to do so.
If you would like to take part in a local clean-up, we would love to hear how you get on. You can download our count sheet to fill in and return to us.
The Countryside Alliance has had a longstanding campaign against the blight of fly-tipping and littering, especially in rural areas and it is one of our key campaigns this year. Our rural crime survey, published last month, saw fly-tipping and littering remain respondents’ second-highest rural crime priority for police to tackle.