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Prove your shoot’s merit with the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme

Shooting is facing increasing “top-down” regulation from the governments across the UK, this is why becoming an Aim to Sustain Assured shoot or game farm is more important than ever. The Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme and badge are shooting’s equivalent to the now ubiquitous Red Tractor independently audited farm assurance scheme.

Providing members with the opportunity to be certified as adherents of the highest standards in game management, Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme operates through evidence-based independent audit. These audits are carried out by the independent body Intertek SAI Global, a world-renowned and government accredited certification body, who also carry out the independent auditing for Red Tractor and British Quality Wild Venison. Aim to Sustain Game Assurance is the only assurance scheme for shooting which requires accredited independent audit.

In this political climate, we in the shooting sector need to show those who in power, that through responsible and independently audited self-regulation, any new government-imposed regulation is unnecessary. We also need to cover the future possibility of regulation being passed, where if best-practice standards are already in place, they can guide regulators to a more workable system. In the wake of the 2024 General Election, now is the time to act.

Hear from those who are already signed up:

To demonstrate self-regulation is critical for the future of shooting, we must be seen to have our eyes open, and for this to carry the necessary weight, as many shoots as possible should by raising their arm and signing up for Aim to Sustain Game Assurance. Those who seek to end shooting are constantly looking for weaknesses and calling for increased regulation, to have as many shoots assured by Aim to Sustain as possible would strengthen shootings defences.

ATS Assured Game - ICON RGB (1)Certified members of the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme can use the logo to demonstrate the high standards to which they operate. It allows game processors and retail outlets selling assured game to show that their products have come from certified shoots and estates. This badge will be the Red Tractor of the British shooting.

The Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme has separate standards for lowland shoots, upland shoots and game farms (coming soon). These standards encompass more than just the animal health and welfare that other assurance schemes cover, and are based on legislation, science and best-practice guidelines. These varied , comprehensive, auditable standards are focussed on assessment of:

  • Animal health and welfare
  • Food quality
  • Environmental enhancement and protection
  • Staff training
  • Health and Safety

The independent auditors, although highly experienced in the game management and shooting sector, are responsible for auditing only, not advice. When a scheme member does need advice, they can rely on the wealth of knowledge held by all eight partner organisations of Aim to Sustain, and their scientific advisor, the GWCT.

The Aim to Sustain Game Assurance Scheme was previously operated by British Game Assurance (BGA), which will become known as Eat Wild and will primarily focus on ensuring a market for shot game. Eat Wild will remain a key proponent of assurance through both the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme and Quality Venison Scheme, and will be taking on the key, but challenging role of marketing and promoting British venison. Under the BGA, the game meat market has already seen a 7% increase; Eat Wild and Aim to Sustain Game Assurance look forward to continuing that trajectory.

For more information about the scheme’s standards, how to become a member, the pricing structure and much more, please visit the Aim to Sustain Game Assurance scheme website here.

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