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Liberty & Livelihood Director James Stanford - Telegraph obituary

Following the sad news of his death in late 2016, in December the Daily Telegraph published an obituary of James Stanford, Director of the Liberty & Livelihood March of September 2002. The obituary recounted his love of the countryside, his zest for life and his attention to detail, as well as his puckish sense of humour. The obituary read: "Stanford loved fox hunting and was a bold and occasionally reckless rider in need of a big, brave horse (one of which was christened "Business" so Stanford could be said to be "out on Business" if anyone rang.) He hunted with varied packs as the family moved from Derbyshire to Northamptonshire, Dorset and Wiltshire."

Of the March itself, the obituary read: "The Countryside March brought more than 400,000 people to London, the largest demonstration ever seen in the capital. Stanford's energy and attention to detail allowed him to move mountains, working with a largely volunteer team coordinating hundreds of organisations."

Countryside Alliance Chief Executive Tim Bonner commented: "The 407,791 who marched, as well as the hundreds of thousands who marched in spirit that September day, will be saddened by news of James' death, but grateful to him for all the hard work, spirit and care he put into the organisation of what was then the largest civil liberties event in British history. Our thoughts are with Carol and their children."

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