Prep school pupils earn their hunting colours
Eight keen young hunt followers received their school colours for hunting - smart Countryside...
about this blogRead moreInnovation in any industry is vital and the hunting world is no exception. Whether it’s to generate new revenue streams, offer a different experience, increase supporters or to just freshen things up, creative ideas and forward thinking are important factors in retaining a thriving business.
Although non-profit making, hunts are effectively small businesses. They rely upon donations and subscriptions but are often hampered by bad weather conditions or other limiting factors which can impact on their income, so many are looking to innovative hunting days to offer a great experience for their own subscribers and visitors alike.
Visiting other packs has long been recognised as a way to enjoy hunting over different hunt country, meeting new hunting friends and watching other packs of hounds work, but visiting on a specific away day can bring a whole new experience. Over recent years specific ladies’ or gentlemen’s days, children’s lead-rein meets, side-saddle or even a private day’s hunting have proved incredibly popular for various packs across the country.
Back in 2014 the Woodland Pytchley (now the Pytchley with Woodland) held one of the first “grey days” where all those attending rode grey horses or ponies. This was hugely successful and seemed to pave the way for the introduction of new ideas to encourage visitors and generate some publicity for a day’s trail hunting.
Earlier this season the Cotswold Vale Farmers held their first ladies’ day. Cheryl Sparey MFH said:
“Despite the storms that weekend we worked hard to ensure the day still went ahead. It took a lot of organising and we provided more hospitality than a usual Saturday. Our ladies had a pink champagne reception, followed by the meet and a day’s trail hunting. We then finished with a spectacular tea and for those travelling from a distance we made a takeaway boxed tea for the journey.”
This meet generated three times more revenue than a normal Saturday. Cheryl went on to say: “Most of our ladies like to travel in pairs or more so we did a deal of £150 for a pair or £80 for a single lady. This proved to be hugely popular.”
The Quorn Hunt recently held a very successful Gentlemen’s Day. They enjoyed generous sponsorship for the day from the Equestrian Noticeboard, who also sponsor several other ladies’ and gentlemen’s meets across the country. Starting with a huge hunting breakfast served by the masters, the Quorn hosted 51 gentlemen from across the country and Ireland. They finished the day with a hunting supper and provided awards for Best Turned Out, Top Thruster and Top Turf Taster.
The Bicester Hunt with Whaddon Chase hold several lead-rein meets as well as the children’s meets throughout the season. These meets generally consist of a walk around the countryside and a chance for the younger generation to enjoy being close to hounds in a safe and encouraging environment.
Laura Bonner who organises the meets explained:
“It’s a great way for the children to be involved, they can dress up on their ponies when we do them over Easter, Halloween, Christmas etc. It’s a perfect introduction to trail hunting and allows us as a hunt to generate more revenue, particularly when we offer food and drinks at the end.”
Although such days are not necessarily suited to every hunt, being open to fresh ideas has proved to be beneficial for many packs. We are sure that there are more ideas up hunt supporters’ sleeves, so do let us know if you’ve been involved in an innovative day or share details with your local pack if you’ve got any original suggestions which might benefit your pack or others.
Eight keen young hunt followers received their school colours for hunting - smart Countryside...
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